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Assignment 1E

Assignment 1E

Q Purpose: Now that you have completed parts A-D, the purpose of this (final) section is to now demonstrate your ability to summarize and critique original social research. Reviewing the current literature on a topic of interest is one of the first steps in the research process. You will not be asked to create an entire review of the literature (called a literature review). However, you will demonstrate that you can critique at least one original research article. In a complete literature review, you would repeat this process many times and then write up a coherent essay about the state of research on your topic. For this assignment, you will only be required to do this process once (with one article). Skills: You will identify strengths and potential weaknesses in the research study using the required reading and class discussions as a guide. You will demonstrate your ability to paraphrase original research. Knowledge: You will begin to gain knowledge about the topic of interest that you would like to study further - perhaps in Capstone (in a real literature review you would continue this many times over until you felt you understood the state of the topic entirely). Task: 1. Use online databases – through the library – to identify a peer-reviewed, original, empirical research article on the topic of your interest (Assignment #1A). 2. Once you have identified the article fits the criteria (peer-reviewed, original research, and is actually readable), save a pdf of the article (Assignment #1A). 3. Previous readings regarding literature reviews and annotated bibliographies as a guide, be sure to address the following items using complete sentences. There should be NO quoted material – part of the assignment is improving summarizing, critiquing, and paraphrasing skills. Each of these areas should be addressed in complete sentences. 4. The article critique should be in complete sentences - do NOT answer the bulleted questions in bulleted answer form, should address all of the items noted below under "Article Critique". 5. Upload BOTH your critique and the pdf of the article. Article Critique Include a complete APA bibliographic reference for the article I. Purpose: • o ? Why did the researchers do the study? ? What did the researchers want to accomplish (what was the purpose)? II. Research Question & Study Hypotheses: • o ? What are the specific research questions being asked in this particular study? ? Was there a specific hypothesis noted? If so, what was it? III. Findings • o ? What did the researchers find? ? Did their findings support their original idea? VI. Discussion • o ? Were there limitations? ? What could the next researcher do given the limitations of this study? ? Evaluate the validity and reliability and generalizability of the study. ? What is the most important take away from this study? Criteria: You must address all items noted above from Introduction to Discussion in a coherent and well-written essay. A complete rubric is found below. Be sure to upload BOTH your critique and your original article. Below are some helpful guideposts as you write the critique. Do not follow these prompts at the expense of following the outline above. The outline above is more comprehensive; however you should check that your critique does the following: • Demonstrates an understanding of the overall purpose of study; what it is generally studying and why the researcher decided to study • Identifies the research questions and study hypotheses in the article. • Describes the main findings of the research - in your own words! Evaluate the study's level of validity and reliability. • Identifies potential next steps in this area of study or future directions this research could take - "where could we go from here?" Also identifies limitations of the article/study critiqued. • Samples. These critiques were passed in previously and should not be used in whole or part, but only for assisting you in understanding the scope of the assignment. These critiques include parts A-E but should give you an example of the requirements of the assignment. Sample 1 Download Sample 1and Sample 2Download Sample 2 Rubric Assignment #1E - Article Critique Assignment #1E - Article Critique Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConceptualize and Operationalize - B level Describe how to define and measure concepts threshold: 4.0 pts 5 pts Exceeds 4 pts Meets 3 pts Mostly meets 2 pts Some indication it meets 1 pts Does Not Meet 0 pts Ungradeable 5 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeValidity and Reliability - B level Distinguish reliability and validity in a chosen research method threshold: 4.0 pts 5 pts Exceeds 4 pts Meets 3 pts Mostly meets 2 pts Some indication it meets 1 pts Does Not Meet 0 pts Ungradeable 5 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeValidity and Reliability - A level Evaluate different methodological choices in terms of validity and reliability. threshold: 4.0 pts 5 pts Exceeds 4 pts Meets 3 pts Mostly meets 2 pts Some indication it meets 1 pts Does Not Meet 0 pts Ungradeable 5 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeData Collection Methods - A level Compare different methods of data collection in social science threshold: 4.0 pts 5 pts Exceeds 4 pts Meets 3 pts Mostly meets 2 pts Some indication it meets 1 pts Does Not Meet 0 pts Ungradeable 5 pts Total Points: 20 PreviousNext

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